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consumer packaged goods automation

Engineered for Productivity.
Open for Flexibility.

That’s complete factory automation.

Complete solutions to boost consumer packaged goods productivity

Few industries face the kind of complex, constantly shifting trends and customer preferences that consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers deal with daily. CPG companies prioritize solutions to manufacturing challenges such as supply chain transparency, digital transformation and production line flexibility. Their success and growth demands manufacturing systems that are reliable, highly adaptable and ready to respond to rapid shifts in consumer choices, year in and year out.

Bosch Rexroth has the industry’s most complete factory automation solutions engineered to meet those needs – proven solutions used in thousands of CPG operations across the globe. We offer more of the critical automation technology packaging OEMs and manufacturers depend on – controls and drive, mechatronics and material transport, assembly and linear motion technology – fully integrated into complete automation platforms that advance CPG productivity and flexibility.

Broadest range of CPG automation technologies

Active Mover linear transport system

Conveyors and material transport: Boost your production

High throughput rates combined with constantly changing package designs can become a productivity nightmare if the wrong material transport systems trap packaging lines into limited configurations. Bosch Rexroth conveyors and transport systems like ACTIVE Mover and VarioFlow plus are modular systems engineered with maximum flexibility and feature:

  • Efficient motors plus modular designs that prevent over-dimensioning and energy loss
  • Robust components and innovative technology to ensure high reliability at low maintenance costs
  • Linear motor-driven transport systems for ultra-precise endpoints and accelerations up to 4g
  • Consistent modular design combined with our MTpro tool that speeds up planning and allows easy upgrades

Engineer your CPG transport solutions
Engineer your CPG transport solutions
Smart mechatronics

Smart MechatroniX: Plug-and-produce platforms

CPG manufacturers want the ability to change, expand or add new production tools with a minimum of time and effort. Our plug-and-produce Smart MechatroniX systems combine proven linear motion components with smart, easy-to-program controls and user-friendly engineering tools to provide:

  • Accelerated engineering, commissioning and time to market
  • More transparent, efficient and reliable production
  • High operating performance and sustainability through permanent updating

Simplify your CPG mechatronics solutions
Simplify your CPG mechatronics solutions

ctrlX AUTOMATION: Automation without limits

CPG manufacturers need highly connected solutions – and they also need them to be engineered and implemented more rapidly than ever. ctrlX AUTOMATION revolutionizes how the industry approaches automation platforms, making them as easy as a smartphone to configure and use, through:

  • A Linux real-time operating system
  • App-based programming technology
  • Consistent open standards
  • Web-based engineering
  • A comprehensive IoT connection

Streamline automation controls solutions
Streamline automation controls solutions
electromechanical cylinder EMC-HP High Power

Electromechanical cylinders: high-power, flexible actuation

CPG operations that deal with heavy loads or harsh conditions need high-power actuation that can adapt to new processes and machine concepts to meet constantly changing demands. Extremely robust and compact, the EMC-HP delivers long service life, reliable performance and flexibility for heavy-duty applications.

  • Compact: less space required and easy to integrate
  • Robust: durable and easily replaceable seals
  • Flexible: versatile, numerous mounting options, freely configurable length
  • Powerful: reliable continuous operation thanks to improved spindle cooling
  • Economical: energy-efficient, low operating costs, less downtime

Power up your production flexibility
Power up your production flexibility

Resources: How we engineer more productive CPG solutions

Consumer packed Goods Brochure


This comprehensive brochure dives into the world of factory automation and its transformative impact on the CPG industry. Discover how robotics, conveyor systems, advanced data analytics, and real-time monitoring can enhance productivity and enable flexibility CPG products. Download to learn more.

Article - 4 Automation Tips


This article presents four automation tips that manufacturers can implement to streamline their processes. From leveraging artificial intelligence to optimizing inventory management and implementing smart data analytics, discover proven strategies that can revolutionize CPG operations.

Flexible Conveyor Systems for Packaging Lines


Learn how advanced plastic chain conveyors such as our VarioFlow plus system provide the modular flexibility and efficient transport today’s packaging lines require. Read “Choosing Flexible Conveyor Systems for Ever-Changing Packaging Lines.”

Unlocking next-level packaging line flexibility through factory automation


In the fast-paced world of packaging, achieving high levels of flexibility on the production line is paramount to meeting dynamic market demands. This article delves into the transformative power of factory automation in unlocking next-level packaging line flexibility.

Winpak packaging machine


Read “5 automation technologies that make an electrical machine (re)design successful” to learn how Winpak packaging machines seal smarter, faster and more efficiently with Bosch Rexroth’s automation technology.

Moving CPG efficiency and flexibility to the next level

Engineer solving production line challenge

Applications expertise:

Applying innovative technology to advance packaging line competitiveness, our collaborative team of experts draws on extensive packaging system experience to provide comprehensive solutions, from initial system design to implementation and lifecycle support.

Broad portfolio for CPG production

High-performance portfolio:

We manufacture a broad, innovative range of cross-technology automation solutions, with open, plug-and-produce platforms like ctrlX AUTOMATION and Smart MechatroniX. These and other Bosch Rexroth systems simplify system engineering, help CPG companies streamline their operations and have the flexibility crucial to support changing production specs and rapid product changeovers.

Bosch Rexroth expert providing support to customer

Easy to implement and support:

Since many CPG companies serve global markets and have global operations, we support the automation solutions we create with global engineering, manufacturing, service and support programs. Our commitment is long-term, with full lifecycle training, repair and technical support.

Looking for expert insight on complete automation solution design, implementation and lifecycle support? Contact us, and a Bosch Rexroth automation expert will be ready to work with you on your challenges.