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Tech-Podcast Santa Claus
Tech-Podcast Santa Claus

7 Facts about Santa Claus chocolate production

Podcast is only available in german. Claus Cersovsky and his colleagues at Rübezahl Schokoladen are Europe's frontrunners when it comes to chocolate Santa Clauses. We visited him in Dettingen and learned a lot about the production of chocolate products.

  1. Cersovsky and his more than 1,500 employees are already switching production to Easter articles in October. And he dispels a rumour: "No, chocolate seasonal articles don't always go on sale earlier."
  2. The Christmas articles go to retailers from the middle to the end of September. October is the main delivery month for German retailers. In November, Rübezahl still delivers 20 percent. For the markets in the USA or Australia, the Father Christmases are already on their way in July.
  3. 75 per cent of the production are seasonal articles for Christmas and Easter. The professional speaks of chocolate hollow figures when he talks about Father Christmases or Easter bunnies, and Rübezahl also produces baubles or Easter eggs.
  4. The chocolate industry measures productivity in kilograms of chocolate per man-hour.
  5. The set-up times for the packaging machines are one to two shifts. In the foundry it is faster: new figures can be cast in one to two hours.
  6. Cersovsky always has his eyes on the automotive industry when it comes to production. He wants modular automation of the processes - a chocolate production platform. He hopes for more flexibility, less downtime and more energy efficiency.
  7. At Rübezahl, robots also pick the hollow figures. In the next few years, the automation of processes will increase even more. The shortage of skilled workers is also affecting the chocolate industry.

Claus Cersovsky explains to us in an interview how the chocolate market will develop in the next few years, how he saves energy and why batch size 1 is also important for Rübezahl.

You can find this and other episodes on the factory of the future in our tech podcast channel "Industry rethought" on all known platforms or you can subscribe directly here via Podigee (only available in German).

Contact person for the Bosch Rexroth Tech Podcast: Susanne Noll

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