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Hazardous goods information

Effective from 1st January 2020 onwards the test summary UN38.3 for Lithium cells are required to transport the respective batteries.


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Below you can find the process how to get the UN 38.3 test summary.


Find Search Window in Excel

Enter the material number of the material in the search function

Column A marked to show where you find the material number

Press the search function until your material number appears in column A "material number"

Column D marked where you find the link to the battery certificate

The certificate is stored in column D "UN 38.3 test summary"

Is the material number you are looking for is shown in column A "material number" and not identical to the material number in column C "material number of the included cell or battery", then this battery from column C "material number of the included cell or battery" is built into your material. The relevant certificate can also be found in column D "UN 38.3 test summary".