Data Protection Notice of Bosch Rexroth AG

Bosch Rexroth appreciates your interest in its products and services and your visit to this website.
This Data Protection Notice of Bosch Rexroth (India) Pvt. Ltd. is valid from 25th May 2024

General Information about our Online Offer

Bosch Rexroth (India) Private Limited (hereinafter "Bosch Rexroth India" or "We" or "Us") welcomes you to our internet pages, web applications, solutions and mobile applications (together also referred to as "Online Offers"). We thank you for your interest in our company and our products.

1. Bosch Rexroth (India) Private Limited respects your privacy

The protection of your privacy throughout the course of processing personal data as well as the security of all business data is an important concern to us. We process personal data that is gathered during your visit of our Online Offers in a confidential manner and only in accordance with statutory regulations.

Data protection and information security are included in our corporate policy.

2. Data Controller/ Data Fiduciary

Bosch Rexroth (India) Private Limited is the data fiduciary responsible for the processing of your data, exceptions are outlined in this data protection notice.

Our contact details are as follows:

Bosch Rexroth (India) Private Limited

Near Village Iyava, Sanand Viramgam Highway,

Taluka Sanand, Ahmedabad 382170

For management of global customer relationship, Bosch Rexroth India acts as a joint controller with other Bosch Rexroth entities.

3. Collection, Processing and Usgae of Personal Data

3.1 Principles

Personal data consists of all information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, this includes, e.g. names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and contractual master data, which is an expression of a person's identity.

We collect, process and use personal data (including IP addresses) only when there is either a statutory legal basis to do so or if you have given your consent to the processing or use of personal data concerning this matter, e.g. by means of registration.

3.2 Children

This Online Offer is not meant for children under 18 years of age.

4. Data transfer

Data transfer to other data fiduciaries

Principally, your personal data is forwarded to other data fiduciaries only if required for the fulfillment of a contractual obligation, or if we ourselves, have a legitimate use for the data transfer, or if you have given your consent. Particulars on the legal bases can be found in the Processing Purposes and Legal Bases Section for each processing activity below. Third parties may also be other companies of the Bosch group. When data is transferred to third parties based on a justified interest, this is explained in this data protection notice.

Additionally, data may be transferred to other controllers when we are obliged to do so due to statutory regulations or enforceable administrative or judicial orders.

Service providers (general)

We involve external service providers with tasks such as sales and marketing services, contract management, programming, data hosting and hotline services . We have chosen those service providers carefully and monitor them on a regular basis, especially regarding their diligent handling of and protection of the data that they store. All service providers are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply to the statutory provisions. Service providers may also be other Bosch group companies.

Duration of storage, retention periods

Principally, we store your data for as long as it is necessary to render our Online Offers and connected services, provide you with access to applications, products or for as long as we have a justified interest in storing the data or for as long as we have your consent or if we have a legal right or claim. In all other cases, we delete your personal data with the exception of data we are obliged to store for the fulfillment of legal obligations (e.g. due to retention periods under the tax and commercial codes we are obliged to have documents such as contracts and invoices available for a certain period of time).

Data processing under other legal regulations

We collect data based on other legal regulations, for example export controls, taxes, general equality law, labour law and many more, where applicable. We treat the data according to the specifications of the respective legal regulation and analogously their storage obligations. Personal data will be deleted immediately after the end of the storage obligations.

5. Registration

If you wish to use or get access to benefits which required us to enter into a contract, we request for your registration. Basis your consent and your registration we collect personal data necessary for entering into the fulfillment of the contract (e.g. first name, last name, email address) as well as further data on voluntary basis, if applicable. Mandatory information is marked with an *.

The data provided by you will only be stored for the respective registration process and used exclusively for the performance of the services provided. For further details, please refer to the respective offer listed below in the corresponding data protection information.

We strongly recommend that you change the passwords for your login regularly, create strong passwords and keep them confidential.

6. Log files

Each time you use the internet, your browser is transmitting certain information, which we store in so-called log files.

We save log files for a short period of time to determine service disruptions and for security reasons (e.g., to investigate attack attempts) and delete them afterwards. Log files which need to be maintained for evidence purposes are excluded from deletion until the respective incident is resolved and may, on a case-by-case basis, be passed on to investigating authorities.

Log files are also used for analysis purposes (without the IP address or without the complete IP address). Also see module web analysis.

In log files, in particular the following information is saved:

  • IP address (Internet Protocol address) of the end-device from which the Online Offer is accessed,
  • Internet address of the website from which the Online Offer was accessed (so called origin or referrer URL),
  • The name of the service provider through which the Online Offer is accessed,
  • File names or information that were accessed,
  • Access time, date and access duration,
  • Transmitted data volume,
  • http status code (for example, request was successful or request failed)

6. Communities

We offer you the opportunity of becoming a member of one of our communities. Public Community Content can also be consumed without registration. Once registered, you can create a user profile, manage specific settings, interact in the communities and communicate with other members. Your data generated therein is only used in the scope of the consent granted by you for the respective marketing, market research and service purposes . You can withdraw your consent at any time.

The public profile of a community member only shows the nickname, acquired badges (trophies), the rank and the last user interactions. The e-mail address or other personal data are not visible.

All other data, which is generated by you in the communities, e.g. by creating, comments or pictures, are automatically publicly accessible and will be linked to your user profile. A special case of this are so-called private communities, where only registered members can enter the community and see the content.

Typical community elements in which community members interact and/or create content are for example Forum, Blog, Tribal Knowledge Base (Wiki), Question & Answers and Idea Exchange.

Protection of intellectual property in communities

Especially in community elements like Idea Exchange, the submission of ideas by the users themselves is an essential part of the community. If you submit your own ideas, be aware that especially in public communities every visitor can see these ideas. Although comprehensive protection of intellectual property in communities is not possible, we have at least elementary mechanisms that curb infringements in this respect:

  • The creator of an idea is explicitly identified by the nickname and the date of creation.
  • The community guidelines instruct members to report "stolen" ideas or infringements of intellectual property rights.

Any protection of intellectual property beyond this community self-regulation is not possible for us and we are not liable for infringements in relation to intellectual property brought in.

You are free to create content with your intellectual property or not. If you fear that your intellectual property rights may be infringed, we recommend that you do not create such content.

Community Registration

To be able to interact in the Community, we request that you register. You can use the central User-Management-System of Bosch to create a "Bosch Global User", which can also be used for other Platforms of the Bosch Group and which ensures SSO between the different Platforms of the Bosch Group. Within the scope of the registration we collect personal data necessary for the formation and the fulfillment of the contract (Nickname, e-mail address) as well as, if applicable, additional data on a voluntary basis (e.g. first name, last name). Mandatory statements are marked with a *.

7. Usage of cookies


Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer when an Online Offer is accessed. In case you access this Online Offer another time, your browser sends the cookies' content back to the respective seller and, thus, allows the re-identification of the terminal device. Reading the cookies allows us to design our Online Offers optimally for you and makes it easier for you to use them.

Deactivation and deletion of cookies

When visiting our internet pages you will be asked in a cookie layer pop up whether you wish to allow the cookies which are set on our page or if you wish to deactivate them in the settings.

In case you decide to block cookies, an opt-out cookie is set in your browser. This cookie exclusively serves the purpose of assigning your objection. Deactivating cookies may disable individual functions of our internet pages. Please note that an opt-out cookie may, for technical reasons, only be set with the actual browser. In case you delete cookies or use a different browser or a different terminal device, you must opt- out again.

The preference setting does not apply to cookies that are set during your visit on third party internet pages by other providers.

Your browser allows you to delete any cookies at all times. To do so, please consult your browser's help functions. This might, however, lead to individual functions no longer being available.

In addition, you could manage and deactivate the use of third party cookies on the following web page:

As we do not operate this website, we are not responsible and we are unable to influence the content and availability.

Overview of cookies used by us

In this section, please find an overview of the cookies we use.

Absolutely necessary cookies

Certain cookies are necessary to provide our Online Offers in a secure manner. This category includes, e.g.:

  • Cookies that identify or authenticate our users,
  • Cookies that temporarily save certain input of the user (e.g. content of a shopping cart or of an online form),
  • Cookies that store certain user preferences (e.g. search or language settings),
  • Cookies that store data to ensure a trouble-fee playback of video or audio content.

Analytical cookies

We use analytical cookies to record the usage behavior (e.g. search queries put in) of our users and to evaluate it statistically.

Third party advertisement cookies

We also allow other companies to assess data of our users through advertisement cookies. This allows us and third parties to show the users of our Online Offers interest based advertisements which are based on an analysis of their usage behavior in total (e.g. ad banners clicked on, visited subpages, search queries put in), thus, not restricted to our Online Offers.

Conversion cookies

Our conversion tracking partners set a cookie on your computer ("conversion cookie") in case you entered our website through an advertisement of the respective partner. These cookies generally lose their validity after 30 days. In case the cookie has not yet expired, we and the respective conversion tracking partner can see that a particular user clicked the ad and was forwarded to our page. Information gathered through the conversion cookie is used to create conversion statistics and to determine the total number of users who clicked the respective ad and were referred to a page provided with a conversion tracking tag.

Tracking cookies in connection with social plugins

Some pages of our Online Offers integrate contents and services from other providers (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) who may in turn use cookies and active components. We are unable to influence the processing of personal data done by these providers. Find more details on social plugins in the Social Plugins section.

Web analysis

We need statistical information about the usage of our Online Offers to design them to be more user-friendly, to perform range measurements and market research.

For this purpose, we use the web analysis tools described in this section.

The usage profiles created by these tools using analysis cookies or by evaluating log files are not brought together with personal data. The tools either do not use user IP addresses at all or shorten them immediately after gathering them.

The tool sellers process data only as processors subject to our directives and not for their own purposes.

In the following please find information on each tool seller and how you are able to object to the collection and processing of data by the tool.

Be advised that with regard to tools, which use opt-out cookies, the opt-out function is related to that individual device or browser. In case you use several terminal devices or browsers you must opt-out on every device and with every browser used.

Beyond this, you can avoid the forming of usage profiles by generally deactivating cookie usage. Please refer to the Deactivation and deletion of cookies Section.

New Relic Cookie

This Javascript code is a code snippet that measures the real response time on the user's device. This is necessary to ensure realistic rendering times for pages.

No personal data is collected. These are exclusively statistical measurement data.

Optoutmulti Cookie and Utag_main Cookie

These are permanent cookies. These cookies are used in connection with our Tag Management System Tealium. The storage time of the cookies depends primarily on your browser settings and remains on your end device for up to a maximum of one year.

No personal data is collected. These are statistical data only. Your IP address will be anonymized.

Google Analytics

Provider: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Function: Analyses user behaviour (page views, number of visitors and visits, downloads), creation of pseudonymous user profiles based on cross-device information of logged-in Google users (cross-device tracking), enrichment of pseudonymous user data with target group-specific information provided by Google, retargeting, UX testing, conversion tracking and retargeting in conjunction with Google Ads


Provider: Optimizely Inc.; 631 Howard Street, Suite 100; San Francisco, CA 94105

Function: The cookie tracks your user behavior across website and optimizes your personalized user experiences

Storage period: 1 year or until revocation of consent

Further information is available at:


Tealium is provided by Tealium Inc., 9605 Scranton Rd. Ste. 600, San Diego, CA 92121, USA, +1 (858) 779-1344

9. Social Plugins

In our Online Offers we use so-called social plugins from various social networks. They are individually described in this section.

When using plugins, your internet browser creates a direct connection to the respective social networks’ server. This way, the respective provider receives the information that your internet browser accessed from the respective site of our Online Offers - even if you do not have a user account with this provider or are currently not logged into your account. Log files (including the IP address) are, in this case, directly transmitted from your internet browser to a server of the respective provider and might be stored there. The provider or its server may be located outside India (e.g. in the United States).

The plugins are standalone extensions by social network providers. For this reason, we are unable to influence the scope of data collected and stored by them.

Purpose and scope of the collection, the continued processing and usage of data by the social network as well as your respective rights and setting options to protect your privacy can be found by consulting the respective social network's data protection notices.

In case you do not wish social network providers to receive and, if applicable, store or use data, you should not use the respective plugins.

E-Mail to a friend

Your e-mails distributed will only be saved until the sending process is completed.

Share Button

Only when you actively click on the share button data will be sent to the operators of the social media channels. No data is sent to the operators of the social media channels beforehand - not even in an anonymous form.

Fonts/web fonts

Monotype fonts (Neo® Sans) and external web fonts from Google Fonts(Noto Sans SC, Noto Sans JP, Nanum Gothic) are used in this online offer to display texts with different character sets. To this effect, a connection to the Monotype or Google Fonts servers is established and personal data such as IP address and browser data is sent to Monotype (Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc., 600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, Massachusetts01801 USA)or Google Fonts (Google Ireland Limited, incorporated and operating under the laws of Ireland, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4,Ireland).

Monotype uses the data exclusively to register the number of hits.

Google Fonts uses the data exclusively to display the fonts and analyze their popularity.

10. External links

Our Online Offers may contain links to third party internet pages – by providers who are not related to us. Upon clicking on the link, we have no influence on the collecting, processing and use of personal data possibly transmitted by clicking on the link to the third party (such as the IP address or the URL of the site on which the link is located) as the conduct of third parties is naturally beyond our supervision. We do not assume responsibility for the processing of personal data by third parties.

11. Security

Our employees and the companies providing services on our behalf, are obliged to confidentiality and to compliance with the applicable data protection laws.

We take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security and to protect your data that are administrated by us especially from the risks of unintended or unlawful destruction, manipulation, loss, change or unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access. Our security measures are, pursuant to technological progress, constantly being improved.

12. User rights

To enforce your rights, please use the details provided in the Contact section. In doing so, please ensure that an unambiguous identification of your person is possible.

Right to information and access

You have the right to obtain confirmation from us about whether or not your personal data is being processed, and, if this is the case, access to your personal data.

Right to correction and deletion

You have the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data. As far as statutory requirements are fulfilled, you have the right to obtain the completion or deletion of your data.

This does not apply to data which is necessary for billing or accounting purposes or which is subject to a statutory retention period.

Withdrawal of consent

In case you consented to the processing of your data, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future subject to such withdrawal.

Right to grievance redressal

For any grievances, concerns or requests related to your personal data, please make use of the Contact section.

If you are unsatisfied with our response or in case of non-response to your grievances, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can appeal to the supervisory authority which is responsible for your place of residence or your state of residency or to the supervisory authority responsible for us.

13. Changes to the Data Protection Notice

We reserve the right to change our security and data protection measures. In such cases, we will amend our data protection notice accordingly. Please, therefore, notice the current version of our data protection notice, as this is subject to changes.

14. Contact

If you wish to contact us, please find us at the address stated in the Data Fiduciary section.

To assert your rights and to notify data protection incidents please use the following link:

For suggestions and complaints regarding the processing of your personal data we recommend that you contact our data protection officer:

Contact Forms

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Contact data (mandatory fields* e.g.: e-mail-address, name, telephone, address, country, request)

Processing purposes and legal bases

  • Provision of information
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure, legitimate use, contractual obligation)
  • Pick-up service (return shipments)
    (legal basis: fulfillment of contractual obligations)
  • Registration
    (legal basis: fulfillment of contractual obligations)
  • Provision of samples
    (legal basis: pre-contractual measure)
  • Requests for consultation and reparation
    (legal basis: consent, fulfilment of contractual obligation, voluntary disclosure)
  • Literature Orders (MyRexroth)
    (legal basis: fulfillment of contractual obligations)

Data transfer and storage

No personal data will be transferred to unauthorized third parties.

Your request, for which your own e-mail system is used if necessary, will be passed to the right contact within the Bosch Rexroth organization.

We don´t store your data longer than necessary respectively referred to legal retention periods.

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.


Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Location data (e.g. current position, postal code)
  • Contact data (e.g. e-mail-address, name, telephone, address)

Processing purposes and legal bases

  • Proximity-search for a service partner
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure, pre-contractual measure or fulfillment of contractual obligations)

Data transfer and storage

Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). By using this service you can –based on your browser- transfer your real location or choose manually any location in offered selection menue. Your data will be transferred only to Google, if your browser basically permits this, you confirm a note of your browser where necessary or you use button „show address list“ in selection menue. If you don´t want that Google Maps receives your data and if so stores or continues to use, you shouldn´t use this service. You can find an overview of API-requirements here:

Here you can find more information about privacy at Google:

Information for sharing of location data:

Mozilla Firefox:

For forwarding your enquiry, your e-mail system is used. Incoming mails will be forwarded to the right contact within the Bosch Rexroth organization. We don´t store your data longer than necessary respectively referred to legal retention periods.

Your contact data within recall-function will be forwarded to a contact within the Bosch Rexroth organization. We don´t store your data longer than necessary respectively referred to legal retention periods. We do not create a movement profile.

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.

Integrated Catalogue System

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Communication data (e.g. name, telephone, e-mail, address, IP-address)
  • User master data

Processing purposes and legal bases

We, as well as the service providers commissioned by us, process your personal data for the following processing purpose:

  • Provision of product configurations
    (legal basis: fulfilment of contractual obligation, justified interest in failure-free and error-free receipt of requested documents)

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.

Integrated Catalogue System

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Communication data (e.g. name, telephone, e-mail, address, IP-address)
  • User master data

Processing purposes and legal bases

We, as well as the service providers commissioned by us, process your personal data for the following processing purpose:

  • Provision of product configurations
    (legal basis: fulfilment of contractual obligation, justified interest in failure-free and error-free receipt of requested documents)

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.


MyRexroth – After Sales

You are free to register in our Ticketing and Claim Management Systems via MyRexroth.

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Communication data (e.g. name, e-mail, telephone, IP-address)
  • User master data

Processing purposes and legal bases

  • After Sales Service
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure, legal obligation, fulfillment of contractual obligations)

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.

MyRexroth – OCE

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Communication data internal (e.g. name, country, e-mail, IP-address)
  • For public communication: user-/nick-name, Avatar
  • User master data

Processing purposes and legal bases

  • We, as well as the service providers commissioned by us, process your personal data for the following processing purposes:
  • Provision of this Online Offer (required for content registration)
    (legal basis: fulfillment of contractual obligations)
  • Operation of a community for registered members for communication among each other
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure, fulfillment of contractual obligations)
  • To identify faults and for safety reasons
    (legal basis: fulfillment of our legal obligations in the area of data security and justified interest in the elimination of malfunctions and the security of our offers.)
  • Safeguarding and defending our rights
    (legal basis: legal right and justified interest on our part for safeguarding and defending our rights)

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.


Collection, processing and use of personal data

Processed data categories

Following data categories are processed:

  • Communication data (IP-address; mandatory fields* e. g.: e-mail-address, name, company, address, phone number)

Processing purposes and legal bases

  • Answering your user requests within the scope of a chat
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure, fulfillment of contractual obligations or pre-contractual measures for your desired contact)
  • Obtaining feedback in terms of your request
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure)
  • Provision of a bot
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure)
  • Storage of your mandatory communication data
    (legal basis: consent, voluntary disclosure)
  • Temporarily processing of IP-Address for automated country routing
    (legal basis: voluntary disclosure, fulfilment of contractual obligation)

Data transfer and storage

No personal data will be transferred to unauthorized third parties. Your data will be processed within the Bosch Group. We don’t store your data longer than necessary or according to legal retention periods.

After finishing the chat, your personal data, the chat communication, resulting support or service request will be assigned in our customer data base, when received.

*The scope of this chat function is limited to Indian citizens. And for the customers in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Nepal.

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable.


Collection, processing and usage of personal data

At the beginning of the survey we indicate the way of data collection and processing.

We collect, process and use your personal data (including IP-address) only when there is a statutory legal basis to do so or if you have given your consent at the beginning of the survey or within the questionnaire.

Meta data, e.g. click rate (when an email was opened, if there was a click to the survey link, termination of the survey) and feedback rate will be collected pseudonymized.

We offer two kinds of surveys

Relational survey

  • Product- and customer surveys e.g. via e-mail, SMS, link/QR-code or an offline app to a pre-selected target group (e.g. customers world-wide, customers of a specific region, customers with interests in specific products)
  • Product- and customer surveys e.g. via e-mail, SMS, link/QR-code or an offline app to a pre-selected target group (e.g. customers world-wide, customers of a specific region, customers with interests in specific products)

Transactional survey

Touchpoint-surveys (e.g. in terms of feedback to websites via feedback button directly after service activities, chat enquiries, QR-code

The survey can last for an undefined time to keep an eye on the customer opinion continuously

Processed data categories

If the survey doesn´t take place anonymously, following data categories will be processed

  • Communication data (e.g. answer-ID, name, e-mail, telephone, address, language, industry)
  • Geo data (e.g. IP-address, if you take part via a GPS-compatible end device)
  • Contract master data (e.g. contractual relationship, product- and contract interest)
  • Customer history
  • Browser information (e.g. kind of browser, version of browser, operation system, screen resolution, Flash Version, Java Support, user agent)

Processing purposes and legal basis

  • We process your data to improve our business relationship. In order to improve future surveys we will also identify the kind of end device used to complete the survey
    (legal basis: consent)

Data transfer and storage

No personal data will be transferred to unauthorized third parties.

Your recorded data will be processed within Bosch Rexroth organization. We store your data only as long as it is necessary for performing our survey and corresponding services, if applicable your data will be connected with your customer account. We don´t store your data longer than necessary respectively referred to legal retention periods.

*Other clauses in the general data protection notice above, are valid and applicable