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Mobile & Industrial World

Mobile & Industrial World

See the solutions in electronification, electrifiation, saving energy and automation in our new showroom.

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Step in the Quantum world!

Step in the Quantum world!

When you get into Quantum world, you will never want to leave it.

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Use our technical support and report your repair by the online form on our page to receive 5% discount for the repair.

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Factory of the Future Industry 4.0

Factory of the Future Lab

The future of Industry 4.0 is at your fingertips, thanks to the full automated production line built in our headquarters in Warsaw. Check out today!

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ctrlX AUTOMATION - Bosch Rexroth

A new world of automation

ctrlX AUTOMATION surmounts the classic boundaries between machine controllers, the IT world and the Internet of Things. Learn all about the revolutionary automation platform.

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