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Quality and Environmental Certificates


Quality policy

Certyfikat jakości (PL)

Quality certificate (EN)

Cертификат качества (RU)

Quality — rules and certificates

Quality — rules and certificates

Rexroth is the synonym for high quality products and services

Clients' products require from Rexroth the assurance of high quality products and services. That is why we use the most modern methods of work. Rexroth uses a great experience with the Bosch group.

Bosch for a long time has been involved in assurance of the highest quality of products and services.

Robert Bosch wrote in 1918:

"I do not allow the thought that anybody who uses my products might prove that my work was low quality, in any aspect. That is why I always try to make products which can pass all objective tests and their production will be characterized by high quality."

Staying in this agreement, Rexroth implemented a system of quality management based on processes, which helps the whole business continually get better quality.

Thanks to the "Quality in the first place — in thoughts and in work" initiative, Rexroth is one of the leading companies competing in quality. It strengthens the position of Rexroth in building machines and in industrial installation, which gets more attention to the quality aspect.


1. Our aim is to meet clients' expectations with high quality products and services.

2. Providing high quality products, services and their perfecting is the duty and aim of every company's employees — from directors to trainee.

3. Our guidelines, processes, systems and aims are based on international standards and clients' requirements and also on the knowledge and experience of our employees. Knowledge and following the guidelines and processes are the basics, which allows to guarantee the high quality.

4. The quality means the correct working form the beginning faze, which allows to avoid failures after their ending. Enhancement of quality processes allows reduction of costs and increases efficiency.

5. Avoiding failures has a bigger meaning than eliminating shortcomings. We systematically implement methods and tools for prophylactic quality control; also we learn from the mistakes and immediately eliminate their reasons.

6. Our suppliers play an important role in the process of assuring the quality of products and services. For that reason, they have to meet the same high quality standard, which applies in Rexroth.


Certificates of Bosch Rexroth company:

Bosch Rexroth AG — summary certificates — issued for all the Bosch Rexroth's institutions by TÜV Süd

Bosch Rexroth AG — Hydraulics — Lohr — IRIS

Bosch Rexroth AG — Hydraulics — Lohr — PED

Environmental protection — rules and certificates

Bosch Rexroth company perceived environmental protection on a global scale as a challenge and designated strict standards, which were binding in all their institutions.

Bosch's actions for environmental protection began 30 years ago with the publication of the first binding regulations in this area. The same rules apply in Bosch Rexroth - our products and systems of industrial and production automation and also mobile application; help limit unfavtorable influeance on the environmental and protect the natural resources.

We try to use these rules in daily work in every company's institutions. Our actions embrace actions such as limitation of all the harmful editions and recycling of renewable materials. Continually we invest in modern production methods, which limit unfavorable influences on environmental factors like sewage dust and carbon dioxide.

Our aim is contually improvement and especially perfectig environmental protection procedures - every year we set new goals. Effective procedures of environmental protection are perceived as an increasing competition factor and social indolent for future generations.

Environmental Policy

> Certifictes ISO 14001