Disposition légale

Bosch Rexroth S.A. is happy that you have visited this website and for your interest in the products. All of the data gathered by Bosch Rexroth S.A. on the website will be stored, processed and passed where appropriate to Bosch group companies exclusively for personalized service to you or to send you product information or service offers. Your details will, of course, be handled confidentially in accordance with the valid data protection laws and our Privacy Statement .

With respect to access to these pages the following legal stipulations shall apply.

Contents of the Website / Liability

On this website Bosch Rexroth S.A. offers extensive information and services such as downloading of software, use of product configurators etc.

This website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, Bosch Rexroth S.A. cannot guarantee the timeliness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided (e.g. with respect to individual products. This information or these products, as relevant, may only become part of the contract in isolated cases and by agreement.

In the event that our information or services are offered free of charge we shall not assume liability for the freedom of material or immaterial damages, inasmuch as this is not based on wilful intent or gross negligence, malice or damage to life, body or health.

Other than this no liability is assumed for any damages, especially direct or indirect as well as material or immaterial damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information presented, to the extent that this is not based on willful intent or gross negligence of the management of Bosch Rexroth S.A. or caused by damage to life, body or health, taking over a guarantee of quality, malicious withholding of knowledge of damage or fault or forcibly liable for violation of essential contractual obligations. Compensation for damage due to violation of essential contractual obligations is, however, restricted inasmuch to foreseeable damage that is typical of the contract.

Bosch Rexroth expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete or partially or completely cease to publish all of the information offered.

In the interests of the security of legal contracts Bosch Rexroth also reserves the right to make some pages of the website accessible only to registered users under recognition of our Registration Conditions. Any rights of the user to apply for registration are expressly excluded.

References and Links

Bosch Rexroth S.A. declares that at the time the links to the corresponding linked pages were created they were free of illegal content. Bosch Rexroth S.A. has no influence on the current and future design nor the content of the linked/referenced pages that have been changed after the links were set. This also applies to outside contributions to guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists. The provider of the linked/referenced pages bears the sole responsibility for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and, in particular, for damages that result from the use or non-use of information of this type provided.

Copyright and Trademarks

Texts, images, graphics, sound documents, animations and video sequences as well as their arrangements are protected by copyrights and other protective legislation. Bosch Rexroth S.A. reserves all rights for objects created. The complete or partial reproduction, distribution, transfer, modification or other use of this website (electronically or by other means) for public or commercial purposes without prior consent from Bosch Rexroth S.A. is prohibited. This applies, in particular, to trade and service marks, type signatures, company logos and emblems of Bosch Rexroth S.A. and its subsidiaries. In particular, the website does not provide any license to the use of the intellectual property of Bosch Rexroth S.A. or third parties.

Export Control

Depending on the use or final destination, the surrender of particular information and/or services may be subject to authorization on the basis of relevant regulations of the EU, EU member states or the USA. Access to this information and/or these services offered on the website may only be authorized if the user ensures that

  • the relevant information and/or services surrendered are not to be used for nuclear armaments or other weapons or other military specifications,
  • in particular US export regulations and restrictions are observed,
  • early warning notices of the competent German authorities are observed.

If these conditions are not observed Bosch Rexroth S.A. may refuse access to the information and/or services contained on these pages.

Legal Validity of this Liability Exclusion

To the extent that parts or individual formulations of this text does not or no longer comply with valid legal provisions, the rest of the content of this document remains valid and unaffected by this.

Court of jurisdiction for any disputes arising from the agreement granting use will be Würzburg or, at the request of Bosch Rexroth S.A., the head office of the user. All legal relationships between German parties shall be governed exclusively by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany with the exception of the UN purchasing rights.

Online dispute resolution (ODR)

Information regarding online dispute resolution (ODR): The European Commission offers a platform for the resolution of online disputes. This platform is dedicated to facilitating the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations in online sales and service agreements.

The platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

We do not engage in out-of-court settlements before consumer arbitration bodies.